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marți, noiembrie 24

FOAAAAAAAAAARTE special pentru Beetlejuice

Go away
Come back
Go away
Come back
Why can't I just have it both ways
Go away
Come back
Go away
Come back
I wish you knew the difference
Go away
Come back

Go away
Give me a chance to miss you
Say goodbye
It'll make me want to kiss you
I love you so
Much more when you're not here
Watchin all the bad shows
Drinking all of my beer

I don't believe Adam and Eve
Spent every goddamn day together

You taste so sweet :X:X:X:X:X:X:X
But I can't eat the same thing every day
Cuttin off the phone
Leave me the fuck alone
Tomorrow I'll be beggin' you to come home

7 comentarii:

  1. Beetlejuice .. e Beetlejuice ....
    Anonim cine e? Asta este marea intrebare:P

  2. anonim ramane anonim..mai bine asa..

  3. Deci sa inteleg ca te cunosc de nu vrei sa iesi la iveala. Tot aflu ;). Si dk te prind...:D

  4. ce se intampla daca ma sa stiu daca ma las prins...:D

  5. sunt mai multe posibilitati...1. sa ma "alergi" si sa ma injuri:D (cel mai rau caz) ... 2. sa nu se intample nimic (acceptabil)... 3. sa te bucuri ca sunt eu:)) (greu de crezut dar ar fi extraodinar:D) ...
